I will be 53 this Thursday 28th - how weird that sounds.
Hmm. Perhaps that is why I look a little pensive...!
Ann, 53 isn't one of the BIG #s (50 was, 60 is; 70 is - btw, I'm now 70.)
Posted by: billcostley | 02/25/2013 at 04:06 PM
What would you like for your 53rd b'd@y?
Posted by: billcostley | 02/25/2013 at 04:07 PM
Ann I thought you were just a year older than me - you golden oldie you!!!
Doesnt seem a year since I was reading the reference to your last birthday!!
My card is all made - written - and ready to go - has been for a least 2 weeks now!
Hope you do something nice on the day Ann
Posted by: Angela MacWillson | 02/25/2013 at 09:55 PM
Is 53 any weirder than 52? And will it be any better than 54? I didn't mind the early 50 's, but somehow 56 sounds Old!
Posted by: Linda Prediger | 02/25/2013 at 10:01 PM